25 has been a pretty good age for me. I can't complain. Well, that's not true because I often do. It's scary and exciting and tumultuous, but it feels like we're starting to lay down some sort of foundations for these lives we're building.
It's a Thursday night and we have company coming. Our go-to dinner is Fondue - - Always a crowd-pleaser. Our very own fondue pot, fully accessorized with color-coded spears?? (wait a second, what the heck do we call the spear/dipping things?!?) and hot pink place-mats conjures up memories of the Candy Land board game.
It looks sooo decadent and fills the quaint basement apartment with the aroma of melted cheese. My favorite food group.
But, the best part about fondue night is that it's dirt cheap. We can feed a group of us with some sourdough bread, vegetables, a beer, and a package of shredded cheese (preferably on sale). Then we sit around the melted dish for a long evening of cherished conversation.
And I am completely content.
We are literally living from paycheck to paycheck with fairly recently acquired bills and graduate school loans causing us to second guess our unquenchable drive for higher education. 75% of our lives were spent in the safety net of "home" and here we are now pretending we know how to build our own.
The glimmer of a flawless diamond in a friend's engagement ring reminds me of the reality that our lives can completely change course in an instant. But for this one evening, we're all right here. And that's something wonderful.
We giggle, we pretend we have it all figured out, and we learn lessons the hard way.
Dinner? Success.
At 25, here's what I do know:
I'm a work in progress
My life is far from glamorous
Nothing will ever take the place of nights filled with cheap cheese & rich conversation
Song of the Day: Nothing Better by The Postal Service
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