Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Spring is my season. There's life and excitement and hope almost tangible in the warm air.

It makes you want to do silly things, like read poetry and believe in love at first sight, as you shed your winter coat and exchange it for your most comfortable pair of flip-flops.

My very favorite flower is the daffodil. ( I think I'd rather receive one of these than an entire bouquet of roses! ) The first flower of spring, it stands tall and bright against the green grass. They come every year, usually popping up everywhere - my parents' backyard, medians down the highway, the local grocery store - but they never fail to stop me in my tracks. There's something delicate and brave about flowers that will bloom even if there's still some snow hanging around.

I've been known to completely lose my train of thought just by seeing a daffodil. To me they look like tiny stars that have fallen to the ground.

I'm not such a fan of winter. The dark days and coldness just clings to your bones after a while, and by the time the end of February rolls around, I'm dreaming of the way it felt to drive with the windows down on my car.

The daffodils are small trumpets announcing that spring and picnics and outdoor concerts and being barefoot are just around the corner...

We somehow made it through another winter after all.

As William Wordsworth said:
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Song of the Day: Tin Man by the Avett Brothers

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